salient - определение. Что такое salient
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Что (кто) такое salient - определение

Salient (disambiguation); Salients

The salient points or facts of a situation are the most important ones. (FORMAL)
He read the salient facts quickly...
ADJ: usu ADJ n
¦ adjective
1. most noticeable or important.
2. (of an angle) pointing outwards. The opposite of re-entrant.
3. [postposition] Heraldry (of an animal) standing on its hind legs with the forepaws raised, as if leaping.
¦ noun
1. a piece of land or section of fortification that juts out to form an angle.
2. an outward bulge in a military line.
salience noun
saliency noun
saliently adverb
C16 from L. salient-, salire 'to leap'.
·adj A salient angle or part; a projection.
II. Salient ·vi Shooting out or up; springing; projecting.
III. Salient ·vi Represented in a leaping position; as, a lion salient.
IV. Salient ·vi Moving by leaps or springs; leaping; bounding; jumping.
V. Salient ·vi Hence, figuratively, forcing itself on the attention; prominent; conspicuous; noticeable.
VI. Salient ·vi Projecting outwardly; as, a salient angle;
- opposed to reentering. ·see ·Illust. of Bastion.



Salient may refer to:

  • Salient (military), a battlefield feature that projects into enemy territory
  • Salient (geography), an elongated protrusion of a territory
  • Salient (heraldry), an adjective describing a heraldic beast in a leaping attitude
  • Salient pole, a projecting electromagnetic pole of a field coil
  • SALIENT, SALt Irradiation ExperimeNT, a thorium molten salt reactor
  • Salient (magazine), Victoria University of Wellington student publication
  • Salient Software, a utility software company between 1990 and 1992, taken over by Fifth Generation Systems, meanwhile Symantec / Norton
  • Salient Partners, an asset management firm
  • Salient CRGT, a US government IT services firm based in Fairfax, Virginia
Примеры произношения для salient
1. salient.
The End of Faith _ Sam Harris _ Talks at Google
2. think are salient.
Judith Wright _ Talks at Google
3. And it's become especially salient
Laura Huang _ Edge - Turning Adversity Into Advantage _ Talks at Google
4. transparent, more or less salient.
Liars and Outliers _ Bruce Schneier _ Talks at Google
5. a salient point in history.
Примеры употребления для salient
1. Let‘s just run through a few salient points here.
2. U.S.–Iran talks should focus on the salient issues.
3. Celebrities were brought in to hammer the salient points home.
4. And yet those admirers missed some salient truths.
5. Jamshed Farshoori presented salient features of Pakistan Plan of Action.